Sample testimonials about Ricki Linksman’s abilities to write, communicate, educate, and inspire readers to take action to improve their lives. Discover how this clarity to communicate and generate excitement for what you offer your clients illustrates how she is the right copywriter to grow your business and customers:
Testimonial from a Client:
“Let me share again our full satisfaction on the job you’ve done!” –Project Lead, SAP Partner Sales SkillGym (Artifical Intelligence Tool)
“These ads are so great Ricki!! I loved the enthusiasm I felt when reading the ads. You sound excited and I liked that. Also, referring to the small space they may be in now was great. I was trying to explain our open salon and that we’re not separated by glass doors or cubicles 👍🏼 Thanks so much! Love it!! –Lynn Robertson, Salon Gisele, Naperville
“Ricki is articulate and has the ability to break a theoretical concept down into applicable steps but also the ability to integrate concepts into a whole system with the overall mission of helping people. She is good at listening. She sees the good in people and sees people as individuals. As a lifelong leaner, she is an open and collaborative self-learner.” -Susan Hubbard, award-winning screenwriter and screenwriting instructor at University of Chicago’s Graham School
“Ricki Linksman is a deep and creative thinker with an exceptional work ethic. She has a love for what she does, plus she brings research and knowledge to communicating any subject. Ricki has a great deal of intellectual curiosity and interest in many areas. She has a strong sense of wanting to make a difference in the lives of others and a passion and desire to serve the greater good. She has ability to read her audience and know best how to communicate what they need to know in a way they can understand.” -G. Bochi,
“Ricki is a great writer and uses positive reinforcement to inspire change in others, through writing, teaching and helping people feel good about themselves and embracing their strengths. She is a specialist in teaching and communicating through learning styles. She is excellent at putting books together, organizing content, editing, helping people believe in themselves, tracking lots of things at one time, managing multiple projects and pieces within a project, making people feel special, getting things done, and making things happen.” -Mona Wimmer, Creator/author of Positive Behavior Charts
Two literary awards for: How to Improve Memory Quickly; and From ADHD to A’sd
Winner of Professional Writer’s Association Summer of Challenge (Summer 2017)
Winner of AWAI B2B Mastery Writing Challenge (October 2017)
Winner of AWAI WWW (Wealthy Web Writer) Writing Challenge (October 2017)
Letter to Ricki Linksman from a Recent Graduate of the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Certified Personal Trainer program:
“I passed the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) exam. The NASM CPT is considered the Cadillac of certifications for Personal Fitness Trainers and the exam has a notoriously high failure rate. The course itself (almost all correspondence based) is exceptionally detailed oriented and requires students to learn everything from intricate human anatomy to psychology, and everything in between. If I had known how hard it was going to be when I set out to do it, I don’t think I would have even attempted it! While not all certifications are equal, those who have done the NASM CPT course and passed are in my opinion, border level scientists. Having done it myself, my respect level has gone through the roof not just for other NASM Certified Personal Trainers but also for myself. I wanted to let you know how grateful I am to you for all you did for me in learning about myself, my learning style (highly kinesthetic) and how to work around potential roadblocks. I have since learned even more about what makes me “tick.” It’s an exciting journey! Ricki, I wanted to take the time out to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you did for me–I don’t think any of my success would have been possible without your help and expertise.” –Skye Middleton, NASM Certified Personal Trainer
Editorial Review of Ricki Linksman’s book: Solving Your Child’s Reading Problem, published by Barnes & Noble: From Booklist:
“Anyone seeking a low-jargon approach to reading instruction will find it here. Written by the director of the National Reading Diagnostics Institute, this book offers solutions to parents or child-care workers who wish to supplement a preschool through high-school reading program in order to bring a child up to or beyond his or her grade level. It is clearly intended to support rather than supplant the classroom teacher. Linksman has successfully tested these techniques at all grade and achievement levels and shows parents how to remedy both recent and recurring problems by boosting a child’s self-esteem before building his reading skills. Interested adults can learn how to diagnose a child’s learning style as predominantly visual, auditory, tactile, or kinesthetic and will find games and exercises suited to each style. Additional diagnostic procedures and exercises are simple, challenging, and easily accomplished in short, daily sessions at home. The techniques here may be practical and traditional, but the book’s real value is its offer of hope that the worst reading problem is solvable with time, effort, support, and a positive attitude.” — Patricia Hassler
Letter from a reader of How to Learn Anything Quickly, by Ricki Linksman (published by Barnes and Noble):
Dear Ricki, “I had purchased How to Learn Anything Quickly a year ago when I was starting a study at home Medical Transcription program. Three weeks ago after struggling with comprehension and memory, I bit the bullet and got an extension. But, more importantly, I decided to commit to reading the book. Wow, I am glad I picked it up and forced myself to push past the first few pages. I havenʼt been able to put it down, and will be finishing it up today.
“It was a really eye opening learning that the teaching styles varied in my primary, elementary, high school, and college experiences. I passed Biology and Psychology with flying colors, but couldnʼt seem to get a passing grade from Nutrition class. Of course with your confidence shattered, you never see the parallels. You never look at the classes you did pass and wonder what went wrong, you just give up. (Or label yourself)
“How sobering to know that it wasnʼt my lack of ability, it was the learning style that the information was presented in. That each teacher had their own way of presenting the material, and it was the teachers that taught closer to my learning style where I excelled the most.
“I have a renewed commitment to complete my at home study course, and will take all that I have learned in this book with me throughout my life, for every subject I wish to learn. I have also bought two more copies for my husband and sister.
“This letter is just a huge thank you for writing such an easy to understand book, full of knowledge that can change anyone who is curious how to improve their learning and memory.”
Thank you, Dez Hemken
Letter from a Retd. Naval Officer, Field Judge for University Football Games, and a grandfather of a kindergarten student who was left back and couldn’t read at all after two years in kindergarten but was helped to learn to read within a few weeks for the first time in his life by Ricki Linksman:
Dear Ricki Linksman,
“I really don’t know where to begin except to say that Justyn’s grandmother and I feel like a person who is chronically sick must feel after having seen numerous doctors to find out what’s wrong with no success, then found the one who “nailed it” and who has a tested and proven cure with documented success. It was indeed a pleasure and privilege to have met you. You certainly are the consummate reading professional who has achieved an extraordinary level of excellence in your profession … similar to a Joe Montana spiral, a Nolan Ryan fastball or a Tiger Woods swing … that only years of committed hard work can produce. When my wife asked me, ‘what was she like,’ I responded, ‘this lady (Ricki Linksman) is a national treasure.’ Ricki Linksman is truly the Michael Jordan of reading.” —Rusty Acree